
Muqarnas 39

Muqarnas 39 (Nov 2022; Gülru Necipoğlu and Maria Metzler, eds.) offers a rich panoply of studies extending across the breadth of the Muslim realm—from Andalusia to India—and across a millennium. The volume’s topics range from the material artifacts of textiles, pen boxes, fourteenth-century manuscripts, valuables of the Ottoman treasury, a nineteenth-century Ottoman coin collection, classical marble frieze slabs, royal palanquins, and sphero-conical vessels, to Orientalist internalization, mosque and city architecture—the construction even of an entire city—and the archaeological, museological, legal, and sociological analysis of such. Luxuriously illustrated and thoroughly researched, each of the twelve articles presents a visual and engaging unpacking of an aspect of Islamic culture that will introduce the reader to new and fascinating insights.

Published by Brill, Muqarnas ( is sponsored by the Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


Corinne Mühlemann, “Made in the City of Baghdad? Medieval Textile Production and Pattern

Notation Systems of Early Lampas Woven Silks”

Doris Behrens-Abouseif, “A Mamluk Pen Box Connected to the Thousand and One Nights and

the Historian Ibn ʿAbd al-Zahir”

Adeline Laclau, “A Scholar, Calligrapher, and Illuminator in Early Fourteenth-Century Cairo:

The Illuminated Manuscripts of Ahmad al-Mutatabbib”

Cailah Jackson, “The Arts of the Book in the Aydinid Realm: Exploring a Neglected Medical

Manuscript from Late Fourteenth-Century Western Rum”

Rachel Hirsch, “Building Burhanpur: The Process of Constructing a Mughal City”

Tülay Artan, “Patrons, Painters, Women in Distress: The Changing Fortunes of Nevʿizade Atayi

and Üskübi Mehmed Efendi in Early Eighteenth-Century Istanbul”

Nİlay Özlü, “’Barbarous Magnificence in Glass Cases’: The Imperial Treasury and Ottoman

Self-Display at the Topkapı Palace”

Denİz Türker, “’Angels of the Angels’: Abdüllatif Subhi Paşa’s Coins, Egypt, and History”

Belgİn Turan Özkaya, “Entangled Geographies, Contested Narratives: The Canning Marbles and

the Ottoman Response to Antiquity”


Antonio Almagro and Alfonso Jiménez, “The Kutubiyya Mosque of Marrakesh Revisited”

Nadia Erzini and Stephen Vernoit, “The Palanquin Thrones of the ʿAlawite Sultans of Morocco”

Courtney Lesoon, “The Sphero-Conical as Apothecary Vessel: An Argument for Dedicated Use”

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